A critical early step toward buying your dream home

Greg Fabiano
Published on June 13, 2019

A critical early step toward buying your dream home

Shopping for a new home
can be overwhelming. Finding a real estate agent, looking at homes online, and
applying for loan approval, there is a lot to do, and it can be difficult to
know where to start.

Believe it or not, there
is a first step that every home buyer should take–before they start
interviewing real estate agents and before they look at even one home online.

Know What You Can’t Live Without

Make a list of
everything you want in a home. If you are part of a couple, you should each
have your own list.

When you have completed
your home purchase wish list, take a look at each item. Ask yourself,

“Is this something that
I really need in order to enjoy life in my new home?”

Then, get rid of
anything that you know you can do without, and still be perfectly content.

The Tough Decisions

Now it is time to
prioritize the wish list. The top two items should be those items on which you
will not compromise, as living without them would make you miserable. For some
folks that might be a gourmet kitchen or space for a garden.

The bottom two items
should be those that you are willing to compromise on.

Now, compare your home
purchase wish list with your partner’s. Anything that is on both of your lists
is a priority and should probably be moved to the top.

Inevitably, though,
there will be items each of you will need to compromise on, thus the little
“bargaining chips” at the bottom of the list: sort of a “I’ll give you the
garage in exchange for the fireplace” type of thing.

It’s Not Set In Stone

One thing that may
surprise you is that this list will change as you begin to actually view homes.
You may discover a feature in a home that you didn’t consider when you wrote
the original list.

It’s very common that
some buyers say they absolutely need to have a certain feature in a home yet
the home they finally choose lacks that feature.

Don’t feel as if this list is set in stone, but do inform us if anything changes.

The wish list works well
to help cut down your confusion when presented with an array of homes to view.
It also helps your agent to keep focused and not waste everyone’s time by
showing you homes that don’t fulfill your desires.

You’ve just taken the
first step to make sure that your new home is one that fulfills at least most
of your wishes. That house is out there. Count on it.

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