A Kid-Friendly, No Cook Breakfast-in-Bed for Dad

Greg Fabiano
Published on June 11, 2018

A Kid-Friendly, No Cook Breakfast-in-Bed for Dad

June 17 is Father’s Day, the day set aside each year to show love and appreciation for dear old dad. So, just what is it that men want, truly, for Father’s Day?

Naturally, we aren’t the only curious types so retailers and others have surveyed Dads and find what, in their heart of hearts, they crave for Father’s Day:

A majority (60%) say they want to spend their day with the family

At least according to ebates.com.

Sadly, a survey by the National Retail Federation last year finds that “Many kids don’t even go as far as buying a gift for their father. Greeting cards are still the most common present …”

Let’s change it up this year, with a little help from Mom. Sure, buy or make the card, but buy the ingredients for the kids to make Dad an awesome, no-cook breakfast in bed on Father’s Day.

This recipe was actually created by kids, so it’s kid-tested for munchkins age 7 to 12 years old. Younger kids can still prepare it, but with Mom’s or another bigger person’s help.



 ¼ cup breakfast Muesli (about 4 big spoonfuls)

½ cup Vanilla yogurt (about 8 big spoonfuls)

1 tablespoon Honey

¼ cup Fresh berries (about 3 kid-sized handfuls) – try to figure out Dad’s favorite berries or just use strawberries or blueberries or a mixture of both


A tray to carry Dad’s breakfast to his bed

Decorations for the tray, like a hand-drawn placemat

A Father’s Day card

A pretty container for the parfait (ask Mom if she has a nice champagne glass or something similar)

A spoon

A small cup of juice

A couple of napkins

The morning paper or a crossword book and pencil

If you’re allowed to make coffee or tea using the coffee maker – or if Mom can help you – serve coffee or tea just the way Dad likes it.


A few days before Father’s Day, you’ll need to do a little work. Find the tray that you want to serve breakfast on and everything you want to put on it. You also should make the decorations now.

Let Mom or another adult know what to pick up at the store (see the Ingredients list). If there isn’t anyone besides Dad who can help you to get the ingredients, write him a shopping list and tell him that you need it before June 17.

He might guess that it’s for Father’s Day, but he won’t know what you’re making.

On Father’s Day morning, get your tray and put everything on it except the bowl to make the parfait. Then wash your hands so you can make Dad’s Special Berry Parfait.

Scoop the yogurt into a bowl. You can use any bowl, like the one you use for cereal or ice cream because you will need another bowl for serving.

Squeeze the honey, slowly, into a tablespoon (ask Mom if you need help finding it) and mix it together with the yogurt.

Sprinkle 1 big spoonful of muesli on the bottom of the serving dish. Top this with some of the honey- yogurt mix and add a handful of berries. Repeat this in layers until you’ve used all the ingredients.

Place the parfait dish on the tray and take it to Dad.

Then, go back to the kitchen and clean up the mess you made. (You’ll get credit for that, don’t worry!)

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